Science & Engineering Practices: 1 of the 3 Dimension in the AZ Science Standards 2022 – NonMember


SKU: 22616 Category:


What: Science & Engineering Practices: 1 of the 3 Dimension in the AZ Science Standards –

Where: Webinar on Zoom – link will be sent prior to the webinar

When: December 14, 2022, 7-8:15 PM

PD Credit: 1 hour

Ambassador: Hillary Stacy

Fees: FREE for ASTA Members; $5 Non-Members


The science and engineering practices describe a robust process for how scientists investigate and build models and theories of the natural world or how engineers design and build systems. Participants will gain an understanding of how the science and engineering practices are what students do when engaged in learning the core ideas and how the practices progress over grade bands.

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