Making Sense: Flagstaff PM Session (Non-Member)


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Date: Monday, September 25th  PM Session 1:30-4:30

Registration Closes:  9/15/23

Location: Moonshot at NACET 

2201 N. Gemini Dr. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 AZ 86001             

Cost: $25 for Members, $35 for Non-Members


Description: Participants will deepen their understanding of how to read and unpack the coding of the Arizona Science Standards (AzSS). We will discuss how the standards were written and organized, which will help inform instruction. Support is provided to help teachers understand the difference between content standards (2018 standards) and the performance objectives (2004 standards), which will help them gain insight around the shifts in instruction that align to the AzSS. Participants will also explore the 3 major look-fors in a 3-dimensional science classroom that align to the shifts in instruction. Additionally, educators will be guided in how to locate, identify, and use the elements of the 3-dimensions of our standards to plan for instruction and select phenomena that aligns to each standard.

NOTE: 35 participants MAX
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