Becoming an AZ Next-Gen Science Teacher: YUMA 2025


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Description: ASTA is excited to bring Next Generation Science Exemplar Program (NGSX) to Arizona. NGSX promotes the use of high leverage tools, tasks, and resources carefully and specifically designed to deepen an understanding of classroom strategies needed to support student three-dimensional science learning. It is NOT a curriculum.  It IS the tools and instructional shifts needed for 3-dimensional instruction no matter what the curriculum resources being used in the classroom.

This foundational course helps participants to progress beyond simply “learning about” three-dimensional learning and helps them to work with resources critical to facilitating three-dimensional learning in their own classrooms. Participants engage as learners in modeling and constructing explanations of complex phenomena just as their students will. They also learn how to use classroom tools such as productive talk and planning whole group discussions to help create a classroom culture in which all students are supported to go public with their reasoning and build on the ideas of their classmates.

To learn more please review the NGSX website, and specifically the Pathway, Becoming a Next-Gen Science Teacher.

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