In 2024, through a generous donation from Helios Education Foundation, Arizona Science Teachers Association was able to offer a prestigious award recognizing and honoring an Arizona Science education leader, who through their professional work, has demonstrated outstanding leadership in science education at the school, district, county, regional, and/or national level. This award, in Jo Anne Vasquez’s name, allows us to remember a woman who made an incredible impact on science education in Arizona.
Jo Anne was born in Safford, Arizona on October 16, 1943. Always the Arizona gal, she became a graduate of Northern Arizona University where she received a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Master’s in Early Childhood Education and a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction
A recognized leader in science and STEM education, Dr. Vasquez was the Past President of the National Science Teachers Association, and the National Science Education Leadership Association, she was a Presidential Appointee to the National Science Board, the governing board of the National Science Foundation, becoming the first and only K-12 educator to ever hold a seat on this prestigious board. Her distinguished service and extraordinary contributions to the advancement of science and STEM education at the local, state and national levels won her numerous awards.
Jo Anne is also known nationally and internationally for her efforts to create sustainable change in teaching K-12 science. She is the author of several science textbooks and books on science teaching that have been important guide posts for many STEM teachers and leaders. She was a passionate educator, author, STEM advocate, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and friend. Jo Anne was an incredible leader who always made time to support Arizona’s educators. Her work has left a lasting impression in our state and in our hearts.
The award is presented at the Arizona Science Teachers Association’s Annual Conference. This recognition is accompanied with a financial award and a plaque.
Application Window
The application window will be opened from June 1st through September 17th. The winner will be honored at ASTA’s Annual Conference in November. Please review the criteria below and when ready, submit your materials to (as a single PDF).
Any individual who has a strong connection to supporting science education for students in Arizona is eligible to be nominated for this award. The applicant must be an Arizona resident. Leaders at the early childhood, K-12 level, college or university faculty, and science education consultants, this includes both informal and formal arenas may apply. Applicants must demonstrate leadership that impacts PreK-12+ students and science teachers.
Award Selection Criteria
Outstanding contributions and/or accomplishments in leadership for science education are the main selection criteria. These may include:
- unique or extraordinary leadership accomplishments, such as impressive data-based results in managing science education reform or improvement projects;
- effective leadership of a significant organization, committee or group significantly involved in science education reform or improvement;
- significant contributions in research on science education leadership that supports or suggests more effective leadership strategies and/or models;
- a series of substantial contributions to science education leadership;
- significant contributions over a long period of time; and/or
- overall high quality level of contributions over time

Submission Requirements
Nominators, in addition to general information about the person you are nominating, you will need to submit a personal reference letter, two pages max, briefly describing the nominee’s qualifications for this award and how you are professionally knowledgeable about the nominee’s qualifications as well as substantiate the nominee’s exemplary science education leadership accomplishments with specific examples.
Application Packets
After nomination, award nominees will need to submit an application packet by email, including the items below, no later than September 17, 2024. The complete application packet will be submitted as a PDF file via email to All submitted items become the property of ASTA and will not be returned. Any late materials will not be accepted.
- A curriculum vita or résumé (not more than 3 pages) that directly or indirectly supports the award selection criteria. The vita should include: name, position/title, email, mobile phone number and home address. The vita should document the candidate’s educational record of earned degrees, dates and field of study plus any additional education that enhances their science leadership record; any professional memberships and positions in/contributions to those organizations; special awards or other forms of professional recognition; presentations related to science education; safety planning and implementation; publications related to science education (optional); and any prior work experience that demonstrates exemplary leadership in science education.
- Evidence of leadership in science education that is no more than two pages in length that provides specific examples of leadership philosophy and major accomplishments. This may include work at previous positions that demonstrates exemplary science education leadership. Please refer to the above Award Selection Criteria in preparing this section.
- One additional letter of recommendation (beyond the nominator) that substantiates the nominee’s exemplary science education leadership accomplishments with specific examples.
- Name, address, and website of the nominee’s local newspaper.