Michele Bove
CAPPS Middle School,
Sixth Grade ELA & Science Teacher
Personal Information: I have been teaching for 28 years, five years at my current school in Heber, AZ. I have been able to revamp the science program in my small school. I love the fact that I have so much support from the community itself, the community garden and my school district. I have been able to secure a science lab for sixth grade, run a STEM camp in the summer and work with the community garden in Overgaard.
Favorite Science Activities: One of my favorite science activities is the egg drop, I live in the Sitgreaves National Forest and have access to Gentry tower, which is eighty feet high and used to spot fires. I take my sixth grade students to the tower in May to test their egg drop vehicles. It is an amazing day and the kids love it!
Favorite ASTA Events: I love the ASTA Conferences, I have learned so from each one that I have attended.
Why I serve ASTA: I serve ASTA as a way to enrich my own program and reach out to others who have few resources and need guidance or direction.