School/Position: Professional Learning Facilitator. I work with schools in Arizona and in a variety of states around the country.
Personal information that you’d like people to know: I was a middle school teacher in Phx, elementary teacher in Denver; professional learning coordinator at NAU’s Center for Science Teaching and a field specialist for an ASU Rural Systemic Initiative in Pinal County. I’m passionate about science education, teaching and learning. I enjoy listening to student thinking and celebrating the wealth of knowledge students bring to their science learning.
One of your favorite science activities: Activities that directly engage students with phenomena that motivates them to figure out how or why something is happening are my favorites! Floating ring magnets is a particular favorite. I’ve seen learners of all ages, 8 year old children up to physics professors, be equally engaging in figuring out the “floating” phenomenon.
Why I want to serve ASTA: I hope to support the Arizona community of teachers, particularly those in rural areas. Having colleagues as thought partners and as a community of support can be a great way to navigate the sometimes bumpy waters of teaching and celebrate progress and successes!