Have you wondered how you can be more involved with ASTA?
Arizona educators play a critical role in maintaining the growth and relevancy of the ASTA organization. Science Teachers across the state work to support other educators in their practices, transform science education in our state and ensure that all students find success in their science education.
Apply to serve on one of ASTA’s committees (application link will open in Oct)
- Year Commitment
- No term limit
- Monthly meetings (mostly virtual)
- Executive Board reviews applications and selects committee members
Run for
ASTA’s Board of Directors -Officers and/or Regional Directors
click to apply
- Two year commitment (except for President which is a 3 year commitment)
- Monthly meetings (4 face-to-face; 8 virtual)
- No term limits
- ASTA members select board of directors by vote each fall
Apply to be an Ambassador (follow link for more info)
- Year Commitment
- Application reviewed by Professional Development Committee
- Monthly ambassador meetings (virtual)
- 2 face-to-face trainings with fellow ambassadors
- Expectation to facilitate 4 professional learning sessions/year
Participate in ASTA’s Professional Learning Opportunities
- Vary throughout the year
- Deeper Dive…Constructing 3 Dimensional Units
- Science Teacher Symposium
- ASTA Annual Conference
- Webinars
- Book Studies
- and more!
Host ASTA’s Visibility Table at an event
- Time commitment varies (dependent upon event)
- Location varies
- Coordinated with AZ Association of Teachers of Mathematics (AATM) and AZ Technology in Education Association (AzTEA)
- If interested in volunteering to host a table at an event, please email communications@azsta.org