School/Position: Director of My Future AZ
Personal information that you’d like people to know: I am a long time Arizona educator and STEM equity advocate. I taught in early childhood classrooms for 16 years before moving to SARSEF to inspire future problem solvers and critical thinkers in Arizona classrooms through hand-ons and phenomena based experiences. I value being a learner and wondering about new things.
One of your favorite science activities: My favorite science activity to participate in with students is engineering to solve real world problems. I absolutely love brainstorming problems that really matter to students and empowering them to think creatively to solve them. This year, my classes worked to create bird-safe windows at their homes and schools after noticing how dangerous reflections of the sky are for our native bird populations.
Why I want to serve ASTA: I want to serve with ASTA because I am committed to bringing equitable STEM experiences to our most underserved and underrepresented communities. I want to empower educators to feel confident
in their STEM teaching and provide them with the tools and training which inspire them.